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2-1-1 Everywhere


Our volunteers refer callers seeking help to 2-1-1. According to SHRA (Sacramento Housing and Redevelopment Agency):

211 Sacramento is the area’s primary information and referral source for all types of services. 211 provides free, confidential information and referral services 24-hours a day, seven days a week. Referrals can be made to more than 1,600 community services in the Sacramento area. If you need assistance with emergency housing, food services, counseling, employment, or other services please contact 211 using one of the options listed below:

Phone: Dial 2-1-1 or 1-800-500-4931 or 916-498-1000. Call 7-1-1 if you are hearing impaired and ask to be connected to 2-1-1.



2-1-1 is a nationwide reserved number, like 9-1-1. Also like 9-1-1, you are connected to an operator for services provided near you. 2-1-1 provides information available principally in the county you are calling from. So, if you're in Stockton trying to find out about services in Sacramento, calling 2-1-1 will not help. You'll need to use one of the other options. Note in the information above, you can contact Sacramento's 2-1-1 by dialing a 1-800 number or a 1-916 number. With a computer or smart phone, you can search the information yourself on

You can find alternate numbers and websites for 2-1-1 anywhere in the country at .

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